Peace and Love mixed media on canvas 2012 |
What is your greatest earthly joy?
my greatest earthly joy is twofold.....
What I think about are my sons.
beautiful young men they are, about my journey in raising them.
isn’t easy being a parent.
It isn’t easy ever and is the most demanding
work one can do on this planet. At the same time it is the most rewarding.
perks come in little bits: words like I love you, you’re the best mom, handmade
gifts and unexpected hugs.
they were little, there was all the crying, the tantrums, refusals to go some
place or do something new. My patience
was tested beyond what I thought I was capable of handling.
At the
end of the day, I am so happy with my children.
I am happy knowing I did everything I could to make their world be a
beautiful place. I made many sacrifices
and the results tell the story. My son’s
like each other and consider each other best buds and I know they will be
connected through out their lives.
is the one experience we have in our life for which the guidelines are huge and
gray. What works for one child doesn’t
always work for another, somehow we get through it.
is actually about our children being our teachers.
can help us grow as people. If we take the time to slow down, see who they are, what they are experiencing, how we can make things more organized, organic, loving, focused, disciplined, clear so that they can find their way, we find our way.
selflessness required to raise independent, caring, competent people is
hard. Putting someone else’s needs
before our own, a challenge, but I think that is what makes for great
I don’t
mean this in an extreme, parents need some time out of the chaos to recharge
the batteries.
It is
intense, the crying, the screaming, the demanding….. in hindsight I loved every
minute of it, even though at the time I didn’t think I could survive another
minute without a glass of wine, a bath, a break.
And yet
with my sons both in their twenties, their twenties!! I look back on the time,
the time spent loving them, fretting about them, shuttling them around for
sports and lessons, arguing to get household jobs done and realize they are my greatest
earthly joy.
When I
am out, I observe parents toting their little ones, bigger ones walking a few
steps ahead with a spring in their step, little guys wearing their first
baseball uniform families beginning their journey. I smile, I have walked in their steps and
made it through. They will make it
through, we all do.
What are your greatest
earthly joys?