Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. - Rumi

Friday, December 21, 2012

Staying centered – in the big picture

There are  10 more days to 2012.  10. 10. 10 more days.
Ten more days to this year that has been beautiful and challenging as all hell.  There I said it.
My focus and goal is to stay centered and grateful.

In the big picture  the world has so much going on in it.  I find myself overwrought at the events in connetticut.  We as Americans need to change our policies about weapons and who can have them.
Innocent children should not have fear brought into the safety of their school environments.
My heart goes out to each child that was lost and to each family that lost their baby.  Only time will heal those wounds and some new legislature that will prevent this from ever happening again.

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