Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. - Rumi

Monday, January 12, 2015

60,000 thoughts


That is how many thoughts we have a day.

That is now many random, past, present, future, negative, positive, weird, helpful, kind, not kind, meaningful, not meaningful, humorous, not humerous, fearful, not fearful, compassionate, not compassionate, loving, not loving, joyful, not joyful, peaceful, not peaceful thoughts travel the synapses and dendrites of our brain.
My favorite yoga teacher told me that.
A lot to wrap your mind around. 
Wow!! That many!!!!! Who did the study?
My resolve………to try and think at least 200 positive thoughts a day.  So that I am only thinking less negative thoughts than positive.
This is a good challenge as we navigate the terrain of living, period. 

People and situations give us pause to have to work on being positive a little bit more than not positive.

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