Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. - Rumi

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer time and the livin’ is easy….

view from Kenneth Hahn park
looking east
6:00 am ish

What an amazing summer I have had.  Working non-stop for six weeks in a summer program and now coming to a halt.  Living on the creative edge of my seat!! Inventing new curriculum,  how to support children's acquisition of knowledge from a different perspective, focusing on one part of a whole.  But I loved it.

photo number 2, looking east
6:02 ish

I don’t know how to stop!! But I am ready for a break, a shift in the gears, slow down, recharge my batteries, center myself.

looking east, wait for it
photo number 3
6:05 ish

This summer I had to have a little black dress, 2 to be exact.  This summer I got on an airplane to visit my very sick (in the hospital) might not make it father, back east.  Maryland is like the bathroom after a hot shower (steamy and hot), but no relief because all the air is like that. It's beautiful though, very green from all the snow.  Reconnected with my brothers laughed and remembered being children.
I  learned about Ramadan and how amazing it is for people to fast all day. 

I find myself in a world of new possibilities.  And happy to feel myself growing in ways I didn't know I could. 

I see it, wait for it
number four
6:07 ish

I find myself trying new things…yesterday I woke up before dawn to go take photos of the sun rising.  It was cool except for the bites I got on my legs.  I loved watching the shades of orange and pink and yellow as the sun rose.  It’s beautiful.

Here comes the sun....
6:11 am ish

I saw movies:  Brave, I love a good Disney movie. I saw Savages:I love Blake Lively, I saw the Bourne Legacy: I liked Jason Bourne espionage and a little butt kicking.

I went to the farmer’s market in Hollywood to get fresh fruit, what a fabulous market.  I loved it.  I have been learning to make the delicious fruit salads.
I went to see Shakespeare’s “As You Like It”: I love Shakespeare, being in an outdoor theater.  It was fun. So amazing that the stories are still so pertinent. And anyone who can speak Shakespeare is amazing in my book!!

Now I am going to focus on working out, continuing to eat well and loving my life and everyone in it.
I am going to do exercise moves I don’t like, but feel good after I have done them and be grateful I can do them.

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