Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. - Rumi

Sunday, August 26, 2012

You There... What have the years written into your body?

You There…

Put the palms of your hands together
fimo heart composition
close to your body, thumbs touching your chest
then bow your head to the tree
whose body bears these words.

In the deep pool under the cedar
a trout rises to a mayfly and ripples spread
in widening O’s like the years
etched into heartwood grows.

What have the years written into your body?
what pattern emerged as you passed through fire?
put your palms together, lifeline to lifeline.
bow your head for the history you bear.

-       Judith Barrington

I found this poem in a yoga magazine.  I love the words.  I love the last section with the question of What have the years written into your body?

I ask myself that question: What has been written into my body? Sometimes I look searchingly in the mirror, gazing at my legs, my hips, my breasts.  I catch my reflection in a glass window and look at my form.  Knowledge and creativity have been written in invisible ink from one hip to another.  Sanskirt words remind me to honor the circle of my family. The chinese symbol Grace reminds me to be calm under pressure, keep my composure. 

My hands bear witness to the experiences I have had:  caring for a baby, caressing new life, changing diapers, cleaning up throw-up, holding a hand, hugging my child, children, touching a friend who is in a sorrowful place, holding paint brushes to express myself visually, squishing clay to get the air bubbles out. My hands bear witness to the love in my life. my hands bear witness to healing. 

My face bears witness to wisdom gained from living life.  The path has not always been straight, I have taken roads less traveled and been in unsavory places, adding to my field of knowledge.  I know enough about life to know that life is what we chose to make of it and kindness can move what nothing else can. My face bears witness to being a survivor.

I bow my head in gratitude that I can write these words.

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