Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. - Rumi

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Forty days ---Again!!

Flower Heart

Last year I blogged about my efforts to be healthy, eat healthy, workout and be consistent.
Well, I fell off that wagon and REALLY just over did it.  Through the days of eating badly, I learned that I liked the way I felt when I ate clean.

Actually to be truthful, I always did it for a man.  Thinking if I was thinner, more toned and tight it would attract the guy I was interested in, it never worked. Ever.  I would reach my goal and feel so good and be waiting for the acknowledgement of all my hard work, it never came. Hence, I would back slide, back slide, back slide.

So now this is for me.  All about me and no one else.
Every bit of sweat that drips off my body is for me.  Every rep, every squat, every crunch is for me.  I am finally putting myself first.
I always thought I was putting myself first, but I wasn’t. I was always qualifying myself with “ I will look so good ___ will just want to be with me”. 
It is hard for me to believe I just wrote those words.
So today is 40 days of clean eating, again. This time I have only myself that I care what I think. It is me for me.
I am doing what feels right for me. If I meet a man who appreciates me as I am so be it.  I won’t try to please a man by how I look physically again.

Today marks another 40 days of food sobriety.  Clean eating and in the last 7 days No SUGAR,  at all in any form. I am putting a lot of effort into this for me.

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