Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. - Rumi

Sunday, October 19, 2014

No More Secrets

No more, no more secrets….

No more holding on to that which doesn’t serve ones growth and development.
I had this thought today in yoga.  I have so many areas of development, but the area I can work on right now is not holding on to outdated ideas of who I am or how I can be treated in the world.
I am going to start speaking up for myself and not hold on to words or actions flung my way thoughtlessly.

I have begun letting people know I am not a punching bag.

Holding on to secrets hurts us inside.  It hurts our soul and our heart.  We carry around these experiences never giving them a voice and they eat us up from the inside.
I resolve to have no more.  I resolve to speak my truth to who ever I need to speak it to.
I resolve not to carry the burden inside myself for another’s actions or even my own.
And to not do things that put myself in that position.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Emerging into the Light

Lakshmi watercolor on watercolor paper 

“Walking and Planting…..”

In one of the recent sermons Rev Michael from Agape, gave that I really listened to, he talked about planting and walking, that the farmer doesn’t plant and hover or take the plant with him to see if it is growing, he puts the seed in the soil and walks.

I am musing on these words and my interpretation is: we put our ideas out there and we keep moving forward.  We plant the seeds of what it is we seek to develop in our self and don’t stand there to wait and see if it grows. 

That is where the element of trust comes in.

I want to walk and plant the seeds of love.  That everyone I come in contact with knows and feels the unconditional love and acceptance necessary to evolve into one’s best self.

At this time of year I find myself in new beginnings.

I am over the moon elated to begin taking classes toward becoming a Licensed spiritual practitioner.  This has been a dream of mine for many years.  I put my foot in the water by taking a class called Transformational Tuesdays.
Would I be engaged?  Would the subject matter call forth helping me learn more about who I am and what I am on this planet to do?

It felt scary, I had to open up myself and share who I am in a group setting with people I don’t know.  I had to take a risk.

I would wake up Wednesday morning, bursting with love, and light and joy and happiness.  I felt so connected to myself and the world and right.  It just felt RIGHT.

And now, some weeks later, I know and feel that this is a correct path for me to take in my life.

I know that I am here on this planet for a reason.  I am ready to open myself up to what that is.  I know and am sure that I am here to serve.  I know that I have abilities that I am just beginning to tap.
I know that I am so excited, because it can only make me a better person.