Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. - Rumi

Sunday, October 19, 2014

No More Secrets

No more, no more secrets….

No more holding on to that which doesn’t serve ones growth and development.
I had this thought today in yoga.  I have so many areas of development, but the area I can work on right now is not holding on to outdated ideas of who I am or how I can be treated in the world.
I am going to start speaking up for myself and not hold on to words or actions flung my way thoughtlessly.

I have begun letting people know I am not a punching bag.

Holding on to secrets hurts us inside.  It hurts our soul and our heart.  We carry around these experiences never giving them a voice and they eat us up from the inside.
I resolve to have no more.  I resolve to speak my truth to who ever I need to speak it to.
I resolve not to carry the burden inside myself for another’s actions or even my own.
And to not do things that put myself in that position.

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