Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground. - Rumi

Monday, April 4, 2011

Artful Inspirations

I came across a magazine about blogging, called Artful Blogging.  I had to buy it.  The words alone made me salivate.  The images are sublimely amazing.  Here are the titles to the sections, also enough to stir anyone out of lethargy.

Words that inspire:

Defining my creative self
No expectations
Finding where I fit in
New beginnings & formed bonds
Opening my eyes & fearing less
Where inspiration lives
Enjoying my cheerful tiny spot in a grand universe
Allowing my creative spirit to soar
Documenting, sharing & words of encouragement
Art challenges galore
Where to begin
Finding my style

Ideas with which to begin the journey, ideas to open the heart, the mind, the spirt, ideas to inspire ephiphanies,
and movement.
It can be scary to open up, it can be scary to take a risk, it can be scary to make changes.  It is the one thing that is certain in this world of ours, things change.  It's easier to go with the flow, rather than fight it.  I used to fight it.  Now I surrender with as much grace as I can.
Meditating Mama
acrylic on wood

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